Christian Living

WhiteHouseWrap 03/14/10

Making the Rounds: Ohio Health Care Visit

On Monday, President Obama will travel to Strongville, Ohio to talk about..... drum roll please..... you got it right! Health care! 

In the past week, we've heard him push for the plan in Philadelphia, and St. Louis, now it's Ohio's turn. This is considered a "key week" with Congress poised for a vote. We'll see what happens!

If you feel like every week has been a "key week" for health care since last August, it's not without reason. This health care debate just won't stop!  But, I think a President postponing an international trip to stick around town to likely persuade a handful more votes in his direction... is a pretty big deal.

Yep, President Obama was originally going to leave Thursday for Asia. Now the trip is scheduled for Sunday, March 21.

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