Christian Living

africamatters 02/22/08

Hilarious...A Must Watch!

I am not in the habit of posting a lot of funny, satirical stuff on the Africa Matters blog...but this is just too good not to pass along to you!

My colleague, Wes Rickards, here in the news room sent me a link to a story on "The Onion" web site this morning.  (The web site is devoted to satire and FAKE news events...NOT real news.) 

While CBN (and I) do not endorse viewing any of the other content on this web site, you've got to check out this one video.  I particularly enjoyed the State Department's map of Africa!

The link below will take you straight to the video...

Nation of Andorra Not in Africa, Shocked U.S. State Department Reports

Happy Friday, everyone!  :)


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