Trump Builds on Speech Momentum


President Donald Trump is working to capitalize on the momentum he's enjoying after his first joint address to Congress.
We were expecting the president to release his updated executive order on immigration, the so-called travel ban, but the White House now says it's unclear when it the president will sign it. That as officials work to keep the spotlight on his speech.
He needs to use the momentum to make real gains in Congress where his plans to repeal and replace Obamacare and reform the federal tax system will either sink or swim. 

Today he's hosting Republican leaders from the House and Senate and this afternoon he'll personally lead a legislative strategy session with his team.
We're expecting to see the president's plan for replacing obamacare in the next few weeks.
Meanwhile, we're learning more about Carryn Owens, widow of Senior Chief Ryan Owens who was honored during the most moving moment of president trump's speech.
The day after Ryan Owens was killed during a raid in Yemen, the president spoke to Carryn on the phone. He invited her and her three children to visit the White House and also told her he'd be honored to have her as his special guest at his upcoming joint address. Shortly thereafter she accepted, so Tuesday Carryn and her children met with the president and got a tour of the White House before the speech.
The rest of this week President Trump is taking the message of his speech on the road. Thursday he'll speak aboard the USS Gerald R. Ford in Newport News, Virginia. Newport News is home to a major shipbuilding yard that stands to benefit if the president gains approval to boost military funding by $54 billion.
And Friday he's off to Orlando where he'll visit students and teachers. He calls education the civil rights issue of our time. He believes allowing school choice would help revitalize urban areas and give minority youth a better chance to succeed.

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