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Face Rash? Your Cell Phone May Be the Culprit


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If you're finding an unusual rash or swelling, itching, or blistering on some parts of your face or hands, you may be allergic to your cell phone.

According to the London Telegraph, a new study finds that metals in some cell phones can cause skin irritations.

Children and teenagers could be at higher risk because they may be more sensitive to one of those metals.

"The incidence of adolescents using mobile phones is on the rise, and nickel, a common metal allergen found in mobile phones, is the most common allergy found in patch-tested children," said lead researcher Clare Richardson of Loma Linda University School of Medicine, California.

"With the increased use of smartphones, which include not only phone capabilities but also email, texting, Internet, and gaming functions, it is likely that greater numbers of young adults will develop mobile phone dermatitis," she said.

Most of the problems come after using a cell phone for 30 consecutive minutes or more than an hour in a day.

"This information is important for practitioners, particularly when evaluating patients with dermatitis of the face, neck, hands, breast, or anterior thighs -- common places exposed to cell phones," Richardson said.

The study is published on the Pediatric Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonology website.

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