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GOP Presidential Hopefuls Court Christian Vote


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Possible 2016 GOP presidential candidates spent the weekend speaking to more than a thousand Christian conservatives at the Iowa Family Leadership Summit.

The candidates expressed support for Israel and questioned President Barack Obama's foreign policies, especially regarding the current devastation in Iraq.

"Just a few month ago President Obama dismissed ISIS as the quote 'junior varsity.' And we now see the face of evil that is manifest by these radical Islamic terrorists," Sen.Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said.

"I am glad that the president is finally demonstrating some leadership taking the threat from ISIS seriously, but unfortunately he's following the pattern that has characterized his foreign policy from the beginning of his tenure," Cruz said.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said, "I do think more could have been done before this point. And yet we also haven't heard from the president a comprehensive strategic perspective on what are his long-term plans."

Other potential candidates at the event included Texas Gov. Rick Perry and past caucus winners Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee.

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