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Satellite Image May Hold Clues about Malaysia Jet

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Officials call the sighting of debris off the coast of Australia, "The best lead so far" in the search for Malaysian airline flight 370.

The search has been hampered by bad weather, but it resumes Friday in the Indian Ocean, creating even more drama for the families of loved ones missing for nearly two weeks.

It's not confirmed that the objects spotted in the Indian Ocean are from flight 370, but after long days of fruitless searching, it's something new.

"This is a lead. This is probably the best lead we have but we need to get there, find them, see them and assess to know whether it's really meaningful or not," John Young from the Australian Maritime Saftey Authority, (AMSA), said.

Military search planes from Australia, the US and New Zealand have all headed to the area.

Authorities caution that visibility is poor and the images they saw via Satellite were very indistinct, but one of the floating objects is nearly 80 feet long. The other is about 15 feet.

"We have been in this business -- of doing search and rescue and using sat images before -- and they do not always turn out to be related to the search, even if they look good," Young explained.

Meanwhile, experts say the size of the debris actually has them questioning whether it's from the missing Malaysian flight. Normally something so large wouldn't survive a crash.

But for Malaysian officials under fire from around the world, even a hint of an answer is welcomed.

"Basically, if we can confirm that debris identified this morning, if the exact efforts are now being made to go to that location, the next step is to actually find the black box," Hishammuddin Hussein, Acting Malaysian Transport Minister, said.

For loved ones of the passengers and crew -- the wait is painful. 

Selamat Bin Omar, the father of one passenger, said, "We are still waiting for the results of forensic examination by the Australian government. If it turns out that it is Malaysian air flight 370, then we will accept that."

As the search continues, the FBI is helping to analyze deleted data from a flight simulator found in the captain's home.

They might hold hints of unusual flight paths that could help explain where the plane went.

Flight 370 vanished on March 8 with 239 passengers and crew aboard.

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About The Author


John Waage has covered politics and analyzed elections for CBN New since 1980, including primaries, conventions, and general elections. He also analyzes the convulsive politics of the Middle East.