Christian Living

Family Matters 12/01/11

The Power of Your Words

Some Sundays the sermons really hit home. Last Sunday, part of the message was on controlling the tongue and using it to bless others, not curse them. The speaker gave two examples of how important this is in every day life.

First, he talked about being in a retail line behind an out-of-control child whose mom was not correcting him. The speaker admitted that he became quite annoyed, but didn’t act on it. Rather, he prayed. Then he spoke to the mom and asked how her day was going. That’s all it took. She softened and a ministry opportunity presented itself. Instead of saying something rude to the woman or child, he used the moment to show compassion. I was thinking of all the times I have NOT done what he did and how differently the story ended.

The second story really brought home his point. A man was sitting on a train next a dad with his children. The children were acting out and being loud. The man waited, growing more irritated by the minute, and finally decided to ask the dad when he was planning on disciplining his children. The dad, rather dazed, stopped and looked up at the man, “I’m sorry. I didn’t notice. We just left the hospital where their mom just died.” Ouch!

James 3 tells us that we stumble in many ways. One of those ways involves the use of our tongues. With the tongue, we can praise the Lord and then curse our fellow man.  James encourages us not to live this way. Instead, ask the Holy Spirit for help to tame your unruly tongue.  

By the end of the sermon, I decided that I would pay more attention to my words. Are they used to build up or tear down? Do I encourage or criticize? Do I mummer and complain or live in contentment? Do I allow circumstances to overwhelm me or walk in faith knowing that God is bigger than my circumstances?

The everyday challenge of taming the tongue is one we all must practice. This week, listen to your words. Be slow to anger and see the need around you. Use your words to build up, not tear down. Practice at home with your family. One or two days, record on a piece of paper how many times you said things to encourage and build up your relationships. This simple exercise is an eye opener.

Ask the Lord to help tame your tongue and be intentional by blessing others and see how much better your week will go.

Dr. Linda Mintle, a bestselling author, national speaker and licensed therapist, invites you to take the blessing versus cursing challenge. For more help, visit her website at www.drlindahelps.com.


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