Christian Living

Family Matters 04/05/12

Easter: A Preview of What is to Come

I love the week leading up to Easter Sunday. On Palm Sunday, we are reminded of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, how the crowds’ cheer of “Hosanna” would soon become, “Crucify Him”.

Then came the Last Supper, the betrayal, Gethsemane and Good Friday, a sobering day when Jesus was crucified on the Cross for our sins. On this day, many of us attend a service that is emotional and contemplative. Symbolically, we may even nail our sins on a Cross, forever grateful for the sacrifice our Lord and Savior made.

Our family also watches Mel Gibson’s movie, The Passion of the Christ. I still can’t get through it without weeping. The intensity of the film doesn’t relent until that final brief scene in the tomb. By the time that last scene comes, I am emotionally spent. Then, we see the risen Christ! That is when we can finally breathe a sigh of relief. He is risen! He is risen indeed! Our bodies relax. The horror is over.

Easter is the ending that brings a new beginning. As author John Irving once stated, Easter is the main event of the Christian faith. Easter is why we have hope during difficult times. Easter is about life, not death. It is triumph, not failure. Easter, as Philip Yancey puts it, is the promise of reversal—even death is not final.

If you lost your loved one, a job, are going through a health crisis or feel depressed and hopeless, you, like all of us, need Easter. Easter reminds us that one day our grief and sadness will be forever gone. One day, there will be no more pain, no tears and no suffering. Easter gives us a preview of what is to come.

Easter means Jesus triumphed. He conquered sin and the grave. Easter is why we mourn, but are comforted. It is our reminder that a better day is coming. Easter loudly proclaims death will not ultimately win.

So this Easter, know that the God who loves you, sent His Son to die for you and gives you eternal life, just as Good Friday gave way to Easter morning.

Up from the dead He arose,
with a mighty triumph o’er His foes.
He arose a victor from the dark domain,
and He lives forever with His saints to reign!

Happy Easter!

For more from Dr. Linda Mintle, check out her website, www.drlindahelps.com. Join her next week in Orlando, Florida, for the Marriage America conference.

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