Christian Living

Global Lane

Funeral Prayer for Murdered Coptic Priest

As Christians around the world pray for their Egyptian brothers and sisters in Christ, one prayer stands out during this time of upheaval in the Middle East.

It's was a simple, solemn prayer spoken Monday at the funeral of murdered priest Father Mina Aboud at St. Mina church in North Sinai. Islamic gunmen shot Father Mina Saturday afternoon as he drove his car in the Northern Sinai town of El Arish.

Apparently Father Mina had an excellent relationship with both Muslims and Christians. The attending priest said Muslims also grieved his death because he was "a faithful servant of all...a priest who was serving among us, and we gain him as a martyr ..."

Please pray for Mina Aboud Sharobeel's family. Also, pray that God will pour out His Spirit on His blessed Egypt.

Watch this tribute to Father Mina from the Coptic Youth Channel:

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