Weight Loss Is about Skill, Not Will Power


Chances are, you need to lose weight. I say this because most Americans are either overweight or obese. A large portion of people who need to lose weight are diabetic, regardless of whether they've been diagnosed.

The problem, however, isn't trying to figure out whether we need to lose weight. We all know the answer to that question. The problem, unfortunately, is actually accomplishing this goal. Some people have tried to lose weight and have failed. Others are too overwhelmed with the prospect, and don't even try to lose weight, simply resigning themselves to looking and feeling bad as a result of their weight. So that's the bad news.

The good news is there is finally an easy-to-understand weight loss program that really works! It's all spelled out in a new book called Diabetes Weight Loss, Week By Week, by dietitian Jill Weisenberger, who has counseled thousands of people on developing healthier habits and living healthier lives.

As the title suggests, the book breaks things down into weeks, so that after four months, when you're finished, you have adopted healthy habits that will carry you throughout the rest of your life.

I really love this book for many reasons. First, it's for everyone -even those of us who aren't diabetic and who really don't even need to lose weight. It spells out in the simplest of terms what foods we need to eat to feel strong and healthy so that we don't fall into the many traps that cause weight gain, and by extension, diabetes.

The book explains basic nutrition, which is something everyone needs to know. It even describes what time of day to eat and how much to eat, roughly, to feel energetic all day, every day.

Due to her extensive experience counseling real people, Weisenberger understand perfectly the danger zones we all face and she addresses each of those in specific ways. It's like diet troubleshooting.

For instance, she addresses that most tempting time of day: nighttime. Interestingly, she says the best way to tame nighttime nibbles is to make sure you eat enough calories throughout the day, so you're not ravenous at night. That means making sure to eat breakfast! Who knew eating breakfast could prevent binging at bed time?

I loved the part where Weisenberger points out that eating more can actually help you lose weight! Say that again? Yes, as long as you know what to eat, feel free to eat more of it and watch the pounds melt right off. For instance, foods that contain lots of water, like vegetables, fruits, and soups are low in calories but fill you up so you feel satisfied.

Weisenberger explains in easy-to-understand terms the types of fats to eat and spells out the dangers of trans fats! Thank you, Jill!

Trans fats are in processed foods and are also called "hydrogenated" oils. Look for that word in the list of ingredients and if you see it, put that items back on the shelf. Avoid trans fats like the plague. They are unnatural and have been linked to heart disease and weight gain and a whole host of other heath problems.

I also love how Weisenberger debunks the myth that healthy eating is too expensive. She goes through a long list of ways to eat well while at the same time sticking to a budget.

So the bottom line is, NO MORE EXCUSES! Diabetes Weight Loss, Week By Week makes it easy. It's a small book, that is approved by the American Diabetes Association, doesn't cost much.

And best of all, it addresses all the confusion and pitfalls that prevent people from losing weight. If you follow the guidelines the author lays out, you'll be slimmer and feeling great in no time.

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