The Coming Collapse of Political Correctness


PC is beginning to devour itself.

The University of Missouri’s Police Department reportedly sent an email to students Tuesday urging them to call and report any hurtful speech they encounter on campus.  Hurtful speech?  Hurtful speech is protected by the First Amendment. Even the vilest hate speech is protected, precisely because of what’s going on right now in America, when what speech should be legal on campus is being decided by a bunch of utopian loons who, if they could, would jail people for hollering “fatso!”

And this after Tim Wolfe, Mizzou president, resigned in what National Review called “an act of extraordinary cowardice on the part of the university.”  His crime? Not acting sad enough, apparently. Racism is allegedly rampant on campus and Wolfe was accused of not doing enough.  But before you feel too sorry for Tim Wolfe, realize that he was a victim of the wacko political correctness he presided over and allowed to flourish.

Remember that the French Revolution, which preached equality and liberty, descended into a bloodbath, devouring its own.  40-thousand were executed as “enemies of the people” in just 10-months, including one of the leaders of the revolution, Robespierre. Today’s PC movement is of the same ilk, minus the guillotines. If this PC madness isn’t stopped, there will be many more victims. And that’s why I think it will stop.

Universities are the seminaries of political correctness, where young people are groomed and pressured to accept this very undemocratic and anti-Christian worldview.  Fortunately, many make it through college unscathed. But if you’re not aware of just how bad it’s gotten on campus, watch Douglas Wilson’s impeccably timed documentary, The Free Speech Apocalypse.

From what I’ve read, evidence of rampant racism at Mizzou is thin at best.  The campus doesn’t sound hostile or unsafe. It sounds normal.  And the protesters sound like spoiled children.

Is there intolerance, inequality and injustice at Mizzou? If you look hard enough, you can find it almost anywhere.  It’s the fallout from fallen man.  There is even inequality in movements intended to stop inequality. There was a lot of inequality under communism. I saw it with my own eyes. 

But is there systemic oppression in America? Any honest person unfortunate enough to have lived in the communist world would say, no. Yes, lots of Americans don’t like lots of other Americans, and the sky is blue. Big deal.

As for the grievances of some University of Missouri college students who feel oppressed, I can only ask: If you were accepted at one of the top universities in America, how oppressed can you be? As Heather Mac Donald writes, “Thousands of Chinese students would undoubtedly do anything for the chance to be "systemically oppressed” by the University of Missouri.  

Some of us, maybe most of us, can name people or forces who don’t like us--sometimes simply because of our last name or the way we look-- and we might feel they’re trying to keep us down.  But none of us has a right to be liked or to be spared from being “hurt.” The American way is to overcome it. 

Lefties, who today dominate the American establishment, and some of whom have sat back and enjoyed watching this assault on traditional American values, will soon have to choose whether to allow the PC madness to continue or be devoured themselves, perhaps for “not caring enough” like Tim Wolfe, or for being too rich, or too heterosexual. I’m betting that self-preservation wins.

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