Christian Living

The Brody File

Exclusive: Jeb Bush Begins To Lay Out Case For President

In an exclusive sit-down interview with The Brody File, Jeb Bush began to sketch out his case for President of the United States if he decides to run next year. “It will be based on my record. And that record was one of solving problems from completely from a conservative perspective.  I cut taxes every year, I shrunk the size of government,” Jeb Bush tells The Brody File. And as for his critics who say he’s too mainstream establishment he offers this: “I will be able to, I think, manage my way through all the chirpers out there.”

We sat down with Jeb Bush Friday morning at the Faith and Freedom Coalition event in DC. If Jeb Bush decides to run for president, he will most likely be considered the frontrunner for the GOP nomination.

The full story on Jeb Bush airs Monday on The 700 Club.

Courtesy: CBN News/The Brody File

David Brody: "I am going to be the only person that ever doesn't ask you about 2016.  I'm not, going to ask you that because everybody does. I am curious though about... (BUSH laugh and says, "You are going to get to that question.") I do have a question though about some of the critics who say, 'If someone like Jeb Bush did run, that he would be this mainstream Republican candidate who wouldn't appeal to the base of the party. You hear, you read, it's on the internet, it's got to be true!  I mean, what do you say to those critics that say, 'Hey wait that's too mainstream.'"

Jeb Bush: "Look, if I decide to run for office again, it will be based on what I believe and it will be based on my record.  And that record was one of solving problems completely from a conservative perspective.  I cut taxes every year, I shrunk the size of government, we reformed the things that were broken. Our Medicaid program was broken, we reformed it. Our education system was a complete disaster, we created a great business climate that made Florida a place to do business and for families to prosper.  I acted on my core beliefs on social issues as governor.  I will be able to, I think, manage my way through all the chirpers out there."
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