Christian Living

The Brody File

Only on Brody File: RNC Chairman Says Traditional Marriage Here to Stay: Also Calls for New Testament 'Grace, Love and Respect'

In an interview you’ll see only on The Brody File, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus assured evangelicals that the GOP’s foundational principles of life and marriage won’t change but did say that, “our principles have to be draped in the concepts of grace, love and respect and that’s not code language. That’s the New Testament.”

Many evangelicals are skeptical of Republican Party officials that are more interested in winning elections rather than standing strong on the social issues. A report put out by the RNC after the 2012 Election called for the party to strike a different tone "on certain social issues that are turning off young voters."

Chairman Priebus is in a tough spot. He’s a born-again Christian but he’s also tasked with winning elections. Can you do both? My sense is if anyone can pull it off, Priebus just may be the guy to do it. Why? Because he oozes heartland authenticity and his name is “Reince Priebus” from Wisconsin for goodness’ sake! Not “Joe Cool” from inside the Beltway.

A partial transcription is below along with the video.

Mandatory Courtesy: CBN News/The Brody File

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus: I happen to believe that our principles are sound. I do believe, and I still will tell you that our party believes that marriage is between one man and one woman. Our party believes that life begins at conception. I think those are foundational issues that aren’t going anywhere but what I have said, which I don’t think should be controversy at all and I would think that Christians and pastors and everyone in between should agree that our principles have to be draped in the concepts of grace, love and respect and that’s not code language. That’s the New Testament so I don’t think there should be any problem with that thinking in our party.

If you’re looking at the evidence, what you will see is a party that embraces life, a party that embraces marriage and a chairman that understands that there’s only one sovereign God and that we ultimately aren’t dependent on what happens in politics. What ultimately matters in our lives is that we’re salt and light in the world and that we’re honoring God in the things that we do every day. I get that. I think our party gets that and there’s never been a movement away from that.

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