Christian Living

The Brody File

Only On Brody File: The Meaning Of Luke Russert's Bible Tattoo

In an interview you’ll only see on The Brody File, NBC News Reporter Luke Russert talks about the Luke 12:48 Bible verse tattooed on his arm. The verse says in part, ““Much is required from the person to whom much is given.” Russert tells The Brody File the following about the tattoo: “I think that passage is so very true because when you’re born into wealth and privilege like I was and when you’re born into seemingly having all these advantages, it’s really easy to take advantage of those things and make yourself believe that, I accomplished all this, I did all this.  I think it’s important for me to remind myself that I was given a lot and I have to give back and I have to take advantage of the gifts I was given and not just throw them away and that’s what that tattoo says to me.”

And on growing up Catholic he says: ““The one thing growing up Catholic is that sense of guilt is installed in you in an early age. What I try to explain to people is that there’s this idea of the hard right over the easy wrong.”

Russert was a guest on this week’s Brody File Show.

A Partial transcription and full video are below.

Courtesy: CBN News/The Brody File

Luke Russert: “It’s an absolutely fascinating faith.”

Luke Russert: “The one thing growing up Catholic is that sense of guilt is installed in you in an early age. What I try to explain to people is that there’s this idea of the hard right over the easy wrong.”

Luke Russert: “You’re sort of born with this idea in the back of your mind is what I’m doing, is what I’m saying, is it beneficial to my fellow man and am I reflecting proudly, not only upon my faith but myself and my family? That has really been something that has been instilled with me throughout my life. I have certainly sinned in my life. I’m not perfect by any means. I don’t think anyone is but I do think when you grow up Catholic and when you go and hear a homily every weekend you kind of always have in the back of your mind, you have this idea like, ‘did I do the right thing last Tuesday when I said this’?”

Luke Russert: “It also comes down to empathy…I think now in America that is lacking a lot and when I pray personally or when I look at how I’ve acted over some weeks, I always try and say, ‘did I have enough empathy at that time’?”

On his arm tattoo that says, “Luke 12:48:” (The verse says in part, “Much is required from the person to whom much is given; much more is required from the person to whom much more is given.”)

Luke Russert: “To me I don’t think there is any passage that for me personally illustrates what my faith is about and for me and what my journey is in this life, what my calling is. I’m someone who has been extraordinarily blessed, given opportunities that do not befall amongst most people in this country and in this world, and it’s something that I remember that was what my father said is ‘you’re always loved but you’re never ever entitled.’  And I think that passage is so very true because when you’re born into wealth and privilege like I was and when you’re born into seemingly having all these advantages, it’s really easy to take advantage of those things and make yourself believe that, I accomplished all this, I did all this.  I think it’s important for me to remind myself that I was given a lot and I have to give back and I have to take advantage of the gifts I was given and not just throw them away and that’s what that tattoo says to me is that if you are given all these opportunities, you’re given all these chances and advantages that it’s not enough to do an average job.  It’s not enough just to say ‘Woe is me.’  You really have to go out there and give it your all because that was somebody’s plan.”
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