Brody File Readers Sound OFF on SC Race


I wanted to share some emails coming in to The Brody File on the volatile race down here in South Carolina.

From Robert:

I expect Senator McCain to win SC over Huckabee. Senator Thompson's recent revival will likely shave a bit of the Huckster without harming McCain. Further, as a life-long Southerner, there is only one thing we hold equal with bible-thumping: Honesty. I attribute Huckabee's success more to his honesty and ability to connect to the people than his Evangelical background. This will help in SC, but McCain is very competitive for those voters. If we take character off the table, the experience and service to his country place McCain over Huckabee in a state smothered with Veterans.

While the Mc-mentum may be stalled after Michigan, Huckabee's momentum has finished the stall and began to dive. This may be attributable to Thompson, but I believe it has more to do with timing. Huckabee pulled off Iowa due to the precise correlation of his peak in sudden rise and voting day. I'm glad that occurred, but think feel that had he peaked a week or two earlier, his support would have started to wane.

So, yes it will be close. And, yes I am nervous that ration appears not to apply in this primary season. But when I take my hard-core allegiance to McCain off the table, I still place the chips over his name. Even if I slyly leave one over Huck.

From Ross:

Mike Huckabee has a lot of supporters. My wife & I after numerous discussions will vote for him. There are a lot of Fred Thompson supporters too. I think he's struggling with the "is he winnable" issue. As for McCain. the only person that might vote for him is Lindsey Graham, and a couple of illegals around here if they can get away with it. I don't know where he's getting his "support" unless the Dems are going to vote in the Republican primary.which sometimes they do.

From Phyllis:

Mike Huckabee will win in South Carolina because of his family values. McCain voted against the Marriage amendment.

From Jeff:

As someone who lives in SC, I know voters here are very much aware of the potential impact both of our primaries. I know the choice between these two is tough for some. I believe both are men of strong character and personal integrity, but I feel Huckabee lines up more consistently on the issues that are most important to me. I think the interview Rick Santorum gave with Hugh Hewitt was very telling about Senator McCain's positions. Also, All this talk that Huckabee is somehow fiscally liberal is totally overblown. Simply acknowledging that money is tight for some families does not make you a liberal. The facts are that Huckabee would push for the FairTax in the mid - long run, and in the short run, he would make the Bush tax cuts permanent and push for elimination of the death tax and reduction of corporate tax rates.

From Kathryn:

I am a Romney supporter all the way! We need someone who has run a previous company to run this country and turn this economy around. All of the other people except Gulliani have only been government workers.

From David:

McCain would make a better Secretary of Defense or National Security Advisor, not President. He has serious judgment shortcomings. He's been on the "wrong side" of too many important issues, like immigration, campaign finance reform, and tax cuts.

Huckabee is not experienced in the private sector and has no strong record as a crisis manager like Romney. Romney is best prepared to deal with looming economy troubles, national and inter-national.

For evangelicals, the only thing really "wrong" with Romney is his religion--pure religious prejudice held against him. Mormons serve and have served their country with distinction in the military; in city, county, and state government; in federal positions. They are huge supporters of the Constitution and the rule of law. To judge them unfit for the presidency because their brand of Christianity is not like "historic Christianity" is un-Constitutional, un-Christian, and a disgrace to the concept that all men are created equal.

From Barbara:

I am not going to the polls to vote for a Mr Personality, or a Mr. Congeniality!!!! I will be going to the polls to vote for the person that I feel will take the bull by the horns and give priority to the issues that are tearing this country apart!!!! SENATOR FRED THOMPSON is just that man!!!!!! I pray that he will be our next PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES

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