Coming Soon: Giuliani One-on-One


The Brody File is on the ground in Florida where the Republicans are fighting it out. I will be sitting down with Rudy Giuliani one-on-one today in Sanford, Florida. Please check back later today for video clips from the interview.

It's been said for weeks now but it's true. Giuliani must win Florida or else the fat lady will be warming up her vocal cords. Second place will be tough to take. Third place even worse.

But let's remember this: Early voting has been big down here. The Giuliani camp is counting on those early birds to make a big difference since Giuliani was here for weeks while others were in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Part of the problem for Giuliani is that voters, unfairly or not, may not view Giuliani as a Republican candidate for the entire country. By pulling out of Iowa, New Hampshire, and being virtually non-existent in Michigan and South Carolina, he may have left the impression that those voters don't matter. And sometimes perception becomes reality. As Giuliani would say, "The reality is, he needs to win Florida."

It's kind of ironic that Giuliani has been calling himself 'The 50 state candidate.' While that may be true in the General Election, it's not true in the Republican primary process and therein may lie the problem.


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