Jim DeMint Talks to Brody File About Whether He Wants to Run for President


Senator Jim DeMint, a favorite of the Tea party movement and an influential conservative in the country tells The Brody File that while he won’t rule out running for President in 2012 he says, “It’s not something I desire”.

He also said the following that made The Brody File wonder if he’s not purposely leaving the door open just ever so slightly:

“Frankly, the people that I’ve seen here in politics I realize that I can hold my ground with any of them. There are a lot of changes I’d like to make in this country.”

Watch his answer below and read the full transcription. What do you make of his answer? The Brody File would like to hear from you as to whether you think DeMint should run.

 David Brody: “There are folks in the Tea Party movement that seriously want you to run for President. Would you consider something like that?”

Senator Jim DeMint: “You know, I’ve always thought of myself as an average guy and when I think of the President of the United States I’m hoping that there is some knight on a white horse that’s going to ride that I can look at and say you know this is Ronald Reagan character or the level that we could have. Frankly, the people that I’ve seen here in politics I realize that I can hold my ground with any of them. There are a lot of changes I’d like to make in this country and I think Americans are going to be ready for someone to tell them the truth next election. Not someone who will give them a good speech but someone who reminds them that the federal government has to do less not more. I’m hoping we can find that candidate out who has shown himself to be a great Governor or somewhere. It’s not something I desire. Anyone who really desires it does not know how much trouble we’re in as a country because we’ve got some tough times ahead of us and we need a President, who says we can get through it, we can come out better on the other side but we’re going to have to sacrifice.”

David Brody: “All right, so not ruling it out necessarily?”

Senator Jim DeMint:  “Well I guess I’ve learned not to rule out anything in life but right now it’s the last thing I want to do.”

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