Ben Carson Tells Brody File: "Everybody is going to be shocked” With Iowa Results


In an exclusive interview with Ben Carson the retired neurosurgeon and presidential candidate says, “Everybody is going to be shocked” about the outcome in Iowa. Carson says he’s still optimistic about his chances despite a significant drop in the polls and is counting on that key “undecided” vote to turn things around.  Watch below.



David Brody: What do you need to do in Iowa to move forward? Obviously, you were leading in the polls. It looks like now there has been some drop…not quite sure where it’s going to fit. What’s the strategy? Where do you need to be here in Iowa on Tuesday morning…in a blizzard?

Ben Carson: I think that everybody is going to be shocked, very, very surprised at what happens. I think we’re going to do a lot better than anybody can possibly imagine.

David Brody: Why do you think that?

Ben Carson: Because of what I’m seeing on the ground as I talk to people, as I go to rallies, as I go to town hall meetings. Virtually everybody that’s undecided switches. And we’re getting in front of a lot of people. When people can actually hear what we have to say as opposed to having it interpreted by people who have other motives it makes a difference. If I just listened to what the media and some of my opponents say about me I’d be running too.

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