700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

A beautiful spring afternoon on the lake turned into a nightmare when a family's boat drifted too close to a power dam. The powerful current pulled...

Gordon and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

Wendy prays for you and delivers words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

Marha watched in horror as bombs shattered her home in Syria. In another blast she lost her cousin, and her brother was so heartbroken he took his...

No child should suffer like Lara. She witnessed her home in Syria destroyed with the lives of her father and relatives. She escaped to a refugee camp...

Deven Tucker constantly lived in fear. Having renounced selling drugs as a way to earn a living, he unknowingly found himself trapped in a sex-...

Tom was the youngest fire chief in the country, but was unhappy when he couldn't do what he loved most. He stepped down and took a chance at starting...

Pat and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

San Diego Padres pitcher, Craig Stammen, points to faith and authenticity as true marks of leadership and success both on and off the pitch.

Gordon and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

Is it wrong to love romantically when we are not even together? "I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass from the scene before all these...

Gordon and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

Pat and Wendy pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

When Dianne developed a lump on her throat, she feared the worst. Hardly able to swallow, she sought the help of doctors to no avail. See what healed...

Breanna and her friend were enjoying a ride on a golf cart when Brenna was thrown from the cart, slamming her head on the pavement. Her doctor was...

After suffering through a tough childhood, domestic violence, and divorce, Vicky found herself nearly $80,000 in debt. But despite her hardships, she...


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