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Wendy Alec: 'The Fall of Lucifer'

Share This article Wendy Alec started writing the screenplay for The Chronicle of Brothers five years ago. Then, it developed into what will be a series of epic novels with the same name. The first in the fictional series is The Fall of Lucifer. It has the archangels Michael, Gabriel, Lucifer as brothers and follows what happened in heaven when God decided to create man and Lucifer's fall from heaven.

Though the first novel is the great expose of Lucifer, Wendy says it really is God the Father's story, not Lucifer's. She feels that the veil was lifted and she had the Father's permission to reveal some heavenly truths. She studied scripture and added the fictional parts, such as the archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Lucifer being brothers.

She had to ask the Lord for permission write this and each part of the book. Wendy was very careful with her choices of writing and where the novel has gone. She always was seeking God's approval on everything.

Wendy wrote it in the fear of the Lord and feels that it is a commission to write these stories. While it's a work of fiction, she wrote it in under the anointing of the office of the prophet and seer, and she considers it a more revelatory work. Wendy would be in a mode of worship and she would write and she would find herself weeping while writing this.

The Chronicle of Brothers series is being developed into a comic and graphic novel. This came about when some unsaved comic book creators started reading The Fall of Lucifer. They really liked it and now they are developing it into a secular comic that will be distributed in Japan, Britain and U.S. So far, The Fall of Lucifer has been more in the secular market and various Christian booksellers just to name a few.

It is getting good responses from readers. One woman was in an airport and was laid over. She bought the novel at an airport bookstore and couldn't put it down for six hours. Christian readers sense a real love of God and fear of the Lord. Readers in London are also responding well. The book was tested in a secular youth group and the readers liked it.

Wendy feels that the story is getting favorable reviews because the story is infused with God. Also, everybody is God-birthed, we will always have a hunger for God. Jesus is the Great Storyteller and His story is the Great Plot.

Wendy has always had a passion for creative evangelism, using the media, commercial production, and any other creative means to spread the Gospel. She has a background in working in commercial TV and has been doing Christian TV for 10 years. She says there is a divide in Christian and commercial media. Christian TV really equips the Church, but that is only half of the picture. There should be commercial Christian media and Christians should understand the crowd they are trying to reach. With her media experience she says the first will be last and the last will be first. In other words, she was able to minister to the Christians with God TV first, now she wants to minister to the lost. She hopes to reach 1 billion with commercial media – comics, movies, etc. The Chronicle of Brothers is an epic story that can reach pop culture of the day, like the the Lord of the Rings. In October 2006 she hopes Messiah, the second novel in The Chronicle of Brothers, will be out.

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