Mission to America: Saving Souls, One Quarter at a Time
Editor's note: I have the privilege of speaking at Christian writers conferences and various events across the country, and I always love the "Charles Kuralt" moments that come when I "meet America" at one of these gatherings. This happened to me a couple years ago at the Florida Christian Writers Conference -- one of the best writers conferences, by the way -- when I met Gail Gorden, who introduced herself as one of the "pocket full of quarters" ladies. I soon discovered that Gail often travels with her co-missionary friend, Cheryle Touchton, across the United States sharing the gospel as they hand out quarters (you'll see why they do this in a moment).
The Lord is clear in His calling to each believer to "go ye and make disciples." Gail and Cheryle are doing that in a bold and creative way. I thought their stories would inpire the readers of ChurchWatch to find ways to share their faith with others. So this summer, ChurchWatch will follow Gail and Cheryle as they give away quarters and share the love of Jesus with thousands of people across America.
Enjoy -- and "go ye" as well:
I’m Cheryle Touchton with Pocket Full of Change Ministries. During the summer months, I travel the country as a missionary, ministering where I can and handing out quarters. The quarters represent the free grace of God. I stop wherever I see people and do whatever needs to be done. I have a husband back home who prays for me, finds me places to stay, gives mechanical instructions long distance, and visits me every 2-3 weeks. My life on the road is hard but exciting and rewarding.
This year’s journey began on Saturday June 6, 2009. For the first week, my dog Belle and I traveled with one of my ministry partners, Gail Golden. Gail and I traveled through 7 states to begin our work in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Gail left after 6 days and now it’s just Belle the Missionary Dog and me.
Missionary (Mis) Adventures
People occasionally ask to ride along on these journeys. They either want to help or learn how to evangelize. No one has spent more than a week with me but they always say the same thing - telling people about Jesus is easier than they thought and traveling is much harder than they ever imagined.
On the way to Pennsylvania, Gail and I tried to set my camper van, Halleluiah, on fire. No matter what we did, the burner would not turn off. Thankfully, my husband Bob, from back in Florida, was able to tell me where the tools were and to talk me through disconnecting the gas. The disaster was averted.
I have a GPS, but somehow I manage to get lost anyway. One of God’s practical jokes is that He calls me to drive 30,000 miles a year and didn’t give me a sense of direction. I’ve had to take on the attitude that God always knows where I am and where I need to be but He often takes His time to reveal it to me. Life sure is interesting if you are the Pocket Full of Quarters Lady.
People In Ministry
Philadelphia was a mission field. Gail and I met three different people in ministry who were discouraged or confused about what God wanted them to do next. Economic times are tough and people in ministry are struggling. Part of my job on the road is to encourage the discouraged.
Gail and I spent time with these sweet servants of God, encouraging them, and helping them to hear God’s voice clearly. People of God need to hear and obey the voice of God now more than ever. My message to the ministers I meet is that God will fund His plans, but He may not fund ours.
People Needing Jesus
This week, I met two different people who came from a Hindu background. The first I met at met at a writer’s event we attended. I told the group about my next book, "The Secret to Everything". This olive skinned, dark haired, lovely young woman ran up and said, “I want to know the secret. What is it?”
“Are you a Christian?” I asked.
“No,” she said.
I spent the next hour telling her about Jesus and how to find Him. I asked if she wanted to pray to receive Jesus but she wanted to think about it. I left her with tract containing scriptures and the plan of salvation.
The second woman had recently converted from Hindu to Christianity. For awhile she had kept her Christianity quiet in her family because she could be killed for accepting Jesus. She had so many questions. Gail and I spent hours discussing the Bible, what it meant, church and how the Bible and church applied to her life.
Throughout the week, I’ve shared the plan of salvation and talked about Jesus many times. Please join us on the journey by going to www.pocketfullofchange.org or looking for this column each week. Life on the road is full of adventure.
Follow the Pocket Full of Change Posts on ChurchWatch:
June 18: Pocket Full of Change: Churches in America
Learn more at http://www.pocketfullofchange.org/
In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents." (Luke 15:10, NIV)
Cheryle M. Touchton is the Director of Pocket Full of Change Ministries. She is the author of 2 Books: Pocket Full of Quarters: 5 Steps to Loving God and Pocket Full of Christmas: Having a Purpose Filled Advent. For more information or to schedule a speaker for an event, go to http://www.pocketfullofchange.org/ or call Gail Golden at
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