New White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer used his first press briefing to prove it’s a new day in Washington.
Traditionally the Associated Press gets the first question of the briefing (more like the first 3-5 questions), then the press secretary moves on to the first two rows of the briefing room comprised of the major newspapers and TV networks.
After those reporters have asked their 1-5 questions, then there’s time for just one or two questions for the rest of the room.
It’s always predictable and feels a bit stale. Observers often remark on how the same question gets asked a dozen times while other important questions never get asked.
Spicer showed the Trump administration isn’t beholden to tradition, especially when it comes to the news media.
His first question went to the NY Post and the second question went to the Christian Broadcasting Network asked by yours truly.
I wasn’t around, but I seriously doubt CBN News ever received the second question in the Bush administration and can testify it never happened during the eight years of the Obama administration.
However, it’s all relevant because right off the bat President Trump is acting on policies important to Christians. That’s millions of Christians who live, work and vote in the USA.
One of the three executive actions Trump took Monday was to re-instate the Mexico City Policy. This is a Reagan era policy that prohibits non- governmental organizations that receive federal funding from performing or actively promoting abortion as a method of family planning.
I asked Spicer what message the president is sending with this action. Does he see limiting abortions as an American value? Also, can pro-life Americans expect the president to put his signature on legislation that defunds Planned Parenthood?
Take a look above on the player for what he had to say.