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Do you really know what your teen/tween living in YOUR house is doing online? You might not realize it, but they are living a completely different life in the digital world. The moment you put a smart device in their hand you have unknowingly given them access to an unfiltered world that will secretly control their consumer habits, self-esteem, sexuality, and life expectations. If you were not concerned before now, trust me, you should be. It’s hard to admit but often we as parents are naïve to the ever-changing digital landscape. This book was developed as a simple resource to discuss some of the governing principles you need to understand in raising your “technology-obsessed” teen/tweens. Parents and grandparents do not have to be tech-savvy on the latest gadgets or apps, they just need to be aware of the deeper digital principles and how to apply them in raising their kids.


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About The Author

Caleb Kinchlow

Emmy Award-winning Multimedia Producer, Digital Lifestyle Contributor, and Parent Technology Advocate. A few most notable credits include: Hosting/Producing syndicated educational series for NASA, Colonial Williamsburg, and The Weather Channel. In addition, Kinchlow also helps bridge the gap between parents and their kids using technology.

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