Christian Living

bootsontheground 04/21/11

Protecting the Privates on the Front Lines

U.S. soldiers and Marines will soon be making a new fashion statement on the front lines in Afghanistan, once they receive the first shipments of much-sought-after ballistic underwear.

With the weather in Afghanistan getting warmer, the combat is heating up. Increased patrols means more injuries from IEDs. Because they are almost always placed in the ground, the unfortunate truth is that the number of groin injuries is increasing.

Blasts carry with them lots of dirt and debris, which is then peppered throughout the abdominal cavity, leading to subsequent infections and other trauma.

British troops have been field-testing bulletproof briefs for awhile, and have found them to be very effective. So now the Pentagon is making its first orders of ballistic boxers to keep Marines and Soldiers safer in the field.

I will most likely be headed back to Afghanistan soon, so if anyone wants to donate a pair of these for "field testing," I'd be happy to report back on their effectiveness once I return. I've got all the kids I need, but one can't be too careful...

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