
Italian archaeologist uncovered the remains of Jews who experienced relentless persecution in Rome centuries ago. 


Arab League member nations affirmed their support for the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative, which calls for a two-state solution based on the pre-1949 armistice lines in exchange for reconciliation with Israel.

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Surrounded by his wife, Tammy, his five children and grandchildren, Attorney David Friedman took the oath of office Wednesday as the next U.S. ambassador to Israel.


For decades, Egypt's Coptic Christians were banned from ever visiting the Holy Land. Today, they're flocking there at record numbers. 

Photo, GPO, Amos Ben Gershom

Former British Prime Minister and Middle East E.U. envoy Tony Blair says the Israel he's come to know over the years is open minded, tolerant and willing to work with others.


Israel's Education Minister shares his thoughts on the possibility of a nuclear Iran.

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In their first visit to Israel, a group of millennial pastors got a special look at the country and its history.

Boyer High School students at the excavation, Photo, IAA

What happens when Israeli high school students literally dig into their past, invest in their present and prepare for their future?  

Western Wall, Courtesy GPO, Mark Neyman

After years of denying the historic Jewish connection to Israel, U.N. Secretary General António Guterres' statements confirming a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount are like a "breath of fresh air," World Jewish Congress President Ron Lauder said.

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Surrounded by countries that make it a point to demonize Israel and threaten to wipe it off the map, how is it that Israelis are generally happy people, satisfied with their lives and optimistic about the future.
