David Friedman

The Senate confirmed David Friedman to be the United States' next ambassador to Israel Thursday. 


Police in Israeli Ashkelon arrested a Jewish teenager suspected of making bomb threats to Jewish centers in North America and elsewhere around the world.

Terror Attack in London, Photo, ABC News

Wednesday's deadly terror attack in London revealed the stark differences between how Israelis respond to terrorism, compared with supporters of the Islamic State.

CBN News image, Photo, Jonathan Goff

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the site believed to be the tomb of Jesus were in danger of 'catastropic' collapse.

Photo,  Magen David Adom

What would happen to the Holy Land during an earthquake? Many seismologists say the land of the Bible is overdue for a big one.  


Should war erupt on the northern border with Hezbollah or on the southern border with Hamas, Israel's Home Front Command is prepared to evacuate up to 250,000 civilians to safety.

David's Sling, Screen Capture

Just days after Syria launched a missile at Israel, Israel launched David's Sling, its middle tier anti-missile defense battery.

Nikki Haley

U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley applauded the resignation of Rima Khalaf, the undersecretary general and executive secretary of ECSWA. Khalaf resigned after the U.N.'s Secretary General Antonió Guterres rejected her report that accused Israel of being an apartheid state.    

CBN News image

Every year, Israeli archaeologists dig up tens of thousands of artifacts, but where do they go?

Jerusalem Marathon

Tens of thousands of runners from around the world converged on Jerusalem Friday for the city's annual marathon. Some say it's more than just a sporting event, it's a spiritual journey, too.
