Sen. Lindsey Graham said he will not sit idly by while the United Nations attempts to pressure Israel into a timetable for reaching an agreement with the Palestinian Authority.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a visiting U.S. senator a nuclear-armed Iran is a thousand times more dangerous than the Islamic State.
Israeli pilots targeted four terror sites in the Gaza Strip following Tuesday night's rocket attack on southern Israel.
You can eat your eggs after all. The government is going to drop cholesterol from its list of "nutrients of concern," the London Mail reports.
Thanks to the wonders of technology, the traditional method of car-buying is becoming a thing of the past.
Israel's David Ben Gurion hoped one day the Negev Desert would be a vibrant part of the Jewish state. With help from an American friend, many women are taking part in this vision.
A long-time Israeli Interior Ministry manager committed suicide over the weekend after being maligned on Facebook as a racist.
Two Israeli teens were stabbed on their way to pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City on Shavuot.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appointed long-time foreign policy confident Dore Gold as director general of the Foreign Ministry.
Thousands of Christians from all over the world came to Jerusalem as part of a movement called Empowered 21.