After pledging that it would help Christians facing genocide by the Islamic State and other Muslim groups, figures show the Trump administration has resettled only 21 Christian refugees from Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Saudi Arabia.

Christian ministries on the Texas-Mexico border that are offering to help children of immigrants who are separated from the parents are being turned away, told by border authorities their help is not needed.

As many as 60 Christian or conservative organizations attacked as "hate groups" by the Southern Poverty Law Center are considering legal action.

A federal judge is letting a Georgia college off the hook after it was accused of censoring its students and impeding on their constitutional rights.


Earlier this month a patriotic couple was spotted on a surveillance camera picking up a desecrated US flag and folding it in the proper fashion. The couple has now been identified as Kees Anderson and Nikki Thompson. Anderson and Thompson were walking in Mobile, Alabama when a man dressed as a pirate grabbed a flag from its pole in the wee hours of the morning. He then proceeded to stomp on it.


A federal appeals court suspended a lower court order Tuesday that would have forced 23 Roman Catholic bishops in Texas to hand over their emails and other private religious communication.


Members of the Pro-Life Action League are planning to spread a pro-life message on roads throughout the US this weekend.


D. Gary Young, a leader in the essential oil movement and the founder of Young Living Essential Oils, passed away on May 12, 2018, in Salt Lake City, Utah, due to complications following a series of strokes, according to a news release on his company's website.


Privacy concerns and fake news are creating a lot of anxiety and confusion on the internet, and a new study shows some people are just ditching their social media accounts as a result.

A California judge has ruled that Twitter can be sued for falsely advertising free speech.
