
The Federal Reserve is moving forward with another planned interest rate increase. Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell said Wednesday the Fed's decision reflects steady economic growth and strength in the US job market.

Mike Pence

Vice President Mike Pence's speech at the Southern Baptist Convention's annual meeting Wednesday has left some Christians unhappy, especially the newly chosen leader of the SBC.


Jumbo shrimp may be quite enjoyable. Jumbo debt? Not so much. Learn how the profile and outlook of jumbo student loan borrowers have changed recently.


Imprisoned for already half her life, Cyntoia Brown will get another chance to make her case after a US federal appeals court agreed to hear arguments on her behalf.  Brown, 30, was sentenced to life at 16 for the murder of a man who held her captive as his sex slave.


A group of churches and Christian leaders are gathering in New York Wednesday to seek the Lord for revival and spiritual awakening in their city.


The Southern Baptist Convention has a new leader, J.D. Greear, to help them address the #ChurchToo crisis in the midst of a growing #MeToo moment.

Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

Ahead of Father’s Day this Sunday, the pro-life organization “Save the Storks” is embarking on a powerful new video campaign, giving post-abortive men a chance to share their heartbreaking stories of how the procedure changed their lives permanently.


A federal judge has ruled that Planned Parenthood will not be allowed to provide medication-induced abortions at its clinics in Columbia or Springfield.


A church in Laurel, Maryland opened a coffee shop and planned to serve coffee six days a week, and hold worship services at the shop on Sundays.

Joanna Duka and Breanna Koski, owners of Brush & Nib Studio

Many religious liberty advocates were thrilled with last week's Supreme Court ruling which seemingly vindicated a Colorado baker who declined to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple, citing his Christian beliefs. But a recent decision by an Arizona appellate court indicates any celebration is premature...
