Man looking up at sky, rapture

End-times theology is wavering in the Christian church and a large number of Protestant pastors believe there is no rapture.

Courtesy GPO, Zach Haim

A former Saudi general's claim that his country would open an embassy in Tel Aviv if Israel accepted the 2002 Arab peace initiative didn't evoke a response from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


Studies show Millennials are less religious than their parents ever were, and that's a cause for concern among many of America’s leaders. So what does this mean for people of faith?


Severe weather struck across the Midwest overnight and more storms are expected to sweep across the East Coast Wednesday. 


A fraud case against Donald Trump is heading to court in New York, the billionaire Republican presidential front-runner accused of ripping off students for millions of dollars with his Trump University.


The U.S has announced a terror threat to its citizens traveling abroad in Turkey. 


Former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell's appeal on his bribery conviction went before the Supreme Court Wednesday.


ISIS is losing cash and recruits fast as U.S.-led air strikes have all but destroyed the group's surplus, reports BBC News.

Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, presidential election

The front-runners in the race for president are one step closer to clinching their parties' nominations. Donald Trump completed a five-state sweep in Tuesday's GOP presidential primaries, while Hillary Clinton won four out of the five states, losing only Rhode Island to her rival Bernie Sanders.

Saeed Abedini

Pastor Saeed Abedini is speaking out about his marriage and life since he walked free from an Iranian jail earlier this year. In a one-on-one interview with Christianity Today magazine, he repeated his assertions that he never abused Naghmeh and regards his family as heroes for their efforts to release him.
