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African-American Pastor Speaks Up on Trump's Win


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The leader of the Coalition of African-American Pastors says President-elect Donald Trump's win is a victory for people of all backgrounds, especially for blacks, Breitbart reports.
Rev. William Owens congratulated Trump and said that his appointment to the Oval office was due in large part because he appealed to African American Christian voters promising to protect religious liberty and family.
While the majority of the voting bloc supported the Democrat party, Owens said that Trump's outreach to minorities helped turned the election in his favor. 
"Donald Trump asked black voters and Christians to give him a chance and that's exactly what we did," Owens said.
Owens personally endorsed Trump during his campaign and asked other African Americans to see they had been failed by democrats. 
"The Coalition of African American Pastors launched a sustained campaign to persuade black voters to stop letting themselves be used by the failed policies and empty promises of Democratic politicians," Owens said in a statement. "It is clear that this is a message that resonated with many voters and helped make Mr. Trump our next president."
Owens went on to assert that the relationship between blacks and the Democratic party is one-sided. 
"They have destroyed our communities, weakened our families, and doomed us to a future of dependency," Owens explained. "What's more, the Democrats now take our votes for granted and ignore our voices in favor of other interest groups."
"They ask for everything—support, votes, unquestioning loyalty—and give nothing back," he said. "If we want to reclaim our power as voters, then African Americans need to demonstrate that we won't allow ourselves to be used."
Deborah Owens, the wife of Rev. Owens, appealed to black women voters during the election cycle campaigning that the Democratic Party is "anti-life, anti-traditional marriage, anti-Christ, and anti-religion."
Owens added that Trump's election is significant for "those who embrace faith, family, and traditional marriage."
"Mr. Trump deserves congratulations for winning a hard-fought campaign, and we hope to work with him in the future to make this a country that respects and protects religious freedom and traditional values," Owens added.

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