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CBN Animation

Cartoon Pushes Back Against the Darkness

Our world is in serious moral and spiritual crisis and, sadly, children are suffering the consequences. The latest statistics from the U.S. alone are alarming:

  • Barely one-third of young teens (36%) believe that God exists and is the all-knowing, all-powerful Creator of the universe.
  • Nearly half don’t know if there is a God, don’t believe in His existence, or don’t care.
  • Most of the youngest teens (61%) either believe Jesus Christ sinned while He was on earth or hold open the possibility He did. *

Given the U.S. is the main exporter of influence, these trends do not bode well for the rest of the world.

This is critical because it is during these years that a person’s thinking is established. Dr. George Barna, in his latest book Raising Spiritual Champions, states, “A person’s worldview starts developing in the fifteen-month to eighteen-month age range and is largely in place by the age of thirteen. That’s the prime window of opportunity for discipleship.”*

It is no mystery that the type of media most attractive to this age range is animation. Animation transcends cultural boundaries and speaks to a child’s heart in a way no other medium can. It consistently tops the lists of highest-grossing movies and tv shows; media giants spend billions creating animated content. Animation is also highly compatible with the digital landscape children are familiar with. They naturally watch, re-watch, and engage with content through gaming apps, websites, and social media. This is why it is so concerning that the content filling this space is becoming more and more antithetical to Christianity. A space traditionally reserved for kids and families has been turned into a playground of godless indoctrination. We simply cannot afford to abandon this massively influential space and leave it for the enemy.

And what better content to counter this influence than the ultimate source of Truth—the Word of God. This is why, together with generous partners like you, we created the animated Bible series Superbook and integrate it with the latest digital technology: the Superbook Kids Bible App, Superbook Kids Website, and online Superbook Academy discipleship curriculum. The results have been remarkable. Gordon Robertson, CEO of the Christian Broadcasting Network, stated, “The Superbook animated series is the most successful evangelistic tool CBN has created in its more than 60 years of ministry.” And this is why:


  • 2 Billion + YouTube Channel Views
  • 7.8 Million YouTube Channel Subscribers


  • Projected 514 Million Viewers in 143 Countries
  • Projected 364 Million Recalled Having Sung the Salvation Poem


  • 33.8 Million App downloads
  • 10.7 Million Gospel Presentation Views
  • 1 Million + Indicated Salvations

You can celebrate Childhood Evangelism Month and leave a legacy of influence for Christ. With your help we can do so much more, including:

  • Translate Superbook episodes, the website, and Bible app into more languages
  • Increase our ability to put lifesaving content in front of children
  • Improve the app and website experience so we can reach more children
  • Help disciple children around the world

And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard?

Romans 10:14

Together we can tell them.


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*Dr. George Barna; Raising Spiritual Champions

**Brown, Fraser & Associates, a research company founded by Regent University professor Dr. William Brown and by Dr. Benson Fraser, carried out a study of CBN’s international viewership in 2023. To prepare this study, Brown and Fraser surveyed 16,282 persons in 136 cities or regions of 13 countries. Brown and Fraser applied the results from these and prior years’ surveys to project audience sizes and impact of CBN programming.  

CBN Animation

God Transforms a Father-Daughter Bond

Doctor Joseph Chelule is a single father who spent many hours at work in a rural clinic. His wife abandoned the family, so when he came home, his daughter, Alice, was eager to spend time with him, and hopeful that someday he would find salvation.

Alice said, “I started going to church with my cousin. Every Sunday, for one year, I invited my father to attend church with me. He promised that he would come later, but he never did. It made me feel very bad.”

Joseph explained, “I was hesitant to go to church. I wasn’t ready to let go of my lifestyle. During the day, I was a doctor, but in my free time, I went out drinking and partying with friends.”

At church, Alice joined a SuperBook club, where she and other children in her community spend their Sunday watching SuperBook and learning more about the Bible.

“SuperBook taught me to embrace the fruits of the Holy Spirit,” said Alice. “Every time I came here, I prayed for my father. My favorite episode is David and Goliath, where he picks up the stone and hits Goliath. It reminds me that I can be like David and conquer whatever I’m facing.”

Joseph said, “There was one Sunday Alice tried to stop me from going out. She started crying, saying, ‘We never spend time together.’ She tried to lock me in the house. I left, but couldn’t enjoy myself because I kept thinking about Alice being so broken about me leaving her.”
The next Sunday, Alice invited him to church again, and this time, he joined her.

“When I walked into the church, I was welcomed with open arms,” said Joseph. “I prayed the prayer of salvation and gave my life to Christ. I finally had peace in my heart.”

Alice said, “Seeing him kneel down and pray was the happiest moment of my life. All I could tell God was, ‘Thank You.’ My father has become a different man. He’s more loving, talks about God, and spends more time with me.”

Joseph said, “I appreciate her persistence and patience with my salvation. If it wasn’t for her, I would not be where I am today. Our relationship has become very strong. Every Sunday, we go to church and spend the entire day together. I’m grateful for the transformation I can see in her and in myself.”

With a big smile, Alice said, “To the people who created SuperBook, ‘Thank you. SuperBook changed my life.’”

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700 Club

To Fit In, the Gym was Her Best Friend

Haley Erickson had long lived by the motto: “eat clean, train mean,” but it eventually took over her life. “I was mentally enslaved at that point,” she recalled. Haley had never been happy with her body, or her weight, something she picked up from her mom. “I saw my mom always dieting and talking about what her body looked like and needing to change her body. So as a young girl that really looked up to my mom, I thought that I needed to look a certain way to also be loved and accepted by others.”

In high school, she started eating healthy, dieting, and exercising constantly. “Although I tried to play it off as just being super healthy, and loving to exercise and eat healthy, I knew in my heart that this is not healthy. This is an obsession,” she said. “My life revolved around food and exercise and what my body looked like. Every time I looked at myself in the mirror, there was always something that needed to be better. Whether it was fixing my body or something about my face, it was never good enough.” 

Although she was considered underweight, she was healthy for the most part. In her sophomore year of college, Haley overheard some of her sorority sisters talking about going to the beach for spring break and needing to lose weight. “That seed was planted of, oh I need to lose weight too,” she recalled. “I know subconsciously it was, I just wanted to fit in with these girls and be loved and accepted, and I wasn't even going on the trip with them, but I just wanted to belong.”

Now, she took her obsession of non-stop weight training and counting calories to a new, unhealthy level. This led to many physical and mental health issues. “I was very lonely and sad and felt very isolated,” she said. “The gym was my best friend because I didn't have those solid relationships. Also, it really took a toll on my health physically, but I kept pushing past the pain.”

During Christmas break of her junior year, Haley slipped on black ice and injured her leg. It wasn’t broken, but doctors told her she couldn’t exercise for weeks. The now 20-year-old became desperate. “I begged God to please show me the purpose of my life because everything I was living for was gone. I didn't know why I was here, or what the purpose of my life was, and I honestly wasn't sure if I wanted to live anymore.” 

Weeks later, as soon as the pain subsided, Haley was back in the gym. This time she met then 85-year-old Mary Jane. The two hit it off and Mary Jane invited Haley to her home the next day. When the conversation turned to families, Haley shared a picture of hers, explaining she grew up in a Christian home. She didn’t know her new friend was a follower of Jesus. “I asked her, 'are you a Christian?' She cried and I knew that something was missing. I thought, this is why she’s here,” recalled Mary-Jane. Until then, Haley considered herself to be a Christian. Haley said, “Right then and there I heard the Holy Spirit's very clear conviction almost as if it was an audible voice, and the Lord just said, ‘you poser.’ I was claiming to being a follower of Christ because I had gone to church when I was younger, but I definitely did not know Jesus.”

Mary Jane explained God’s plan of salvation through Christ. “I started with John 3:16 and I put her name in it,” she spoke. Haley accepted Christ into her life that day and began to grow in her faith. However, she would continue to obsess over her body image for another three years. Then, at 24, she completely surrendered it to Jesus. “I said, ‘Lord, I don't want anything to do with this anymore. I ask for your healing and that you would show me what it looks like to eat in a way that is glorifying to you.’ Finally, surrendering the food and exercise, I really just let God walk me through this healing journey. The Lord led me to really cling to truth instead of what I thought was my identity and what made me worthy,” she said.

Now a nutrition coach, personal trainer, and public speaker, Haley still likes to stay fit, but says she sees herself through God’s eyes. “The Lord really helped me renew my mind,” she stated. “With seeing who He says I am instead of what I thought made me worthy.”


700 Club

Mom Chooses Life for Trisomy 18 Baby

“We did all those tests with the previous two, so we felt like our odds of that ever happening to us were, I mean, pretty much non-existent,” said Will Mortensen.  

Will and Sarah Mortensen had been looking forward to this day in November 2017. Sarah, 38 years old and 10 weeks pregnant, was getting the results of her prenatal screening. Having had two healthy children, the couple expected a good report. They’d also find out if their new addition was a boy or a girl. 

Sarah said, “I was just waiting at the phone to get that call, and sure enough got the call. My doctor said, 'Sarah I need to let you know your baby tested positive for Trisomy 18.' And right away I knew what that meant, basically my child wasn’t going to make it.”

Also known as Edward’s Syndrome, Trisomy 18 is a birth disorder in which babies carry an extra chromosome 18. Of those who do live full term, 90 to 95% don’t survive the first year. 

“I felt like, oh my gosh, I’m going to lose this child. How will I ever be the same? How will I be able to tell my other children? And how will this affect us, you know,” said Sarah. 

Before hanging up, there was still one thing Sarah needed to know. “I said, 'Wait a minute. What did it say that Will and I are having? Are we having a boy or girl?' And she said, 'a girl, Sarah.'"

Later that day, the couple met with Sarah’s doctor.  

Will said, “It was a shock. So, that's all I remember that moment, like learning that information, learning what it was, and preparing ourselves mentally for what could lie ahead. It was just a blur and just a shock.”

The couple were already familiar with Edward’s Syndrome. Each had friends whose babies had the disorder. One died in the womb. The other had numerous challenges. 

Will said, “I think my biggest fear was that like, you know, we're going to be that family that has to live with this, uh, situation where we've got two healthy kids we're trying to raise, but this third child that's requiring every ounce of our time and energy just to keep, you know, keep them alive and what's that going to do to our other children.”

At the doctor’s advice, they scheduled Sarah for an amniocentesis to verify the diagnosis and help them make an informed decision about whether to terminate the pregnancy. While abortion wasn’t an option, the couple wasn’t sure they had the faith to turn it over to God and trust Him for the outcome. At home the next day, Sarah poured her heart out to God. 

“I’m just crying out to him saying, 'Lord, I need a word, Lord, as to what me and Will are supposed to do.'” Sarah said at that moment God spoke to her through the voice of her unborn daughter. “Mommy, tell them to leave me alone. I’m just fine.”

Later, when Will came home from work, he said, "She was so excited when I got home. It was the first thing she said to me that we're not doing the amniocentesis. And I just said, 'God told me the same thing. We're not. That's awesome.' And we just had so much peace after that.”

Sarah cancelled the appointment. They even gave their daughter a name - “Lively Reign.” But now they wouldn’t know whether the baby had the disorder until she was born, if she lived that long. For the next 33 weeks the couple and their family prayed as Sarah continued getting checkups and numerous ultrasounds. Finally, the day came. 

On July 24, 2018, “Lively Reign” was delivered by C section. In the words of Sarah’s obstetrician, the baby was “perfect.” There was no sign of Edward’s Syndrome.

“And it was such a great moment because I just knew that the Lord had told me this was going to be the outcome,” said Sarah.  

Will said, “They put her up on the table, cleaning her off, blocking my view, and then they're finally like, 'okay, come dad.' So, I go over and I just saw, I just saw this beautiful tiny little baby. And I saw 10 fingers, 10 toes. And I just looked back to Sarah, and I was like, 'She looks great. We’re good.'”

“God gave me a miracle. He saved Lively,” said Sarah.  

Lively Reign is five years old and healthy in every way through the power of prayer. 

Will said, “I’m grateful for the blessings that we've received from the Lord. And that's...I just live in that.” 

“And God shows up for you. And if I can tell any parent out there to let God have the final say, gather your information, lay it at His feet, and expect to hear Him,” encouraged Sarah. 

CBN’s impact around the world


Daily prayers for people across the country

CBN’s prayer team prayed with over 1.2 million callers in 2022 alone, while also praying with people through email, social media channels, live chat on the website, and written correspondence.

Latin America

Highlighting testimonies of God’s faithfulness

Vida Dura or “Hard Life” stories are sourced throughout Latin America and produced in Spanish to reach a region with testimonies of people who hit rock bottom and turn to God for change. CBN has a prayer center in Latin America to support people through prayer and faith resources.


Serving in the wake of natural disasters

CBN's Operation Blessing was on the ground quickly in the wake of the devastating earthquakes in Turkey, providing much-needed food, relief supplies, and medical aid. After large-scale natural disasters, Operation Blessing strives to be the first to arrive, and the last to leave, tending to the needs long after the news cameras leave.

Ukraine and Poland

For 30 years, CBN has been serving the people of Ukraine

Through CBN’s Orphan’s Promise and Operation Blessing, we were able to quickly provide valuable resources soon after the conflict began, and we continue to support Ukrainian refugees.


Projected 135 million* watched a CBN program in 2022

CBN partners are reaching children around the world with the Gospel of Jesus through Superbook, a Bible-based animation series. In 2022 alone, children in 139 countries watched at least one episode of Superbook.

Bible Reading for the Day

Read or listen to today's Old and New Testament Bible readings. Each day is portioned to give the entire Bible to you in a year. Start anytime. Scroll forward or backward if you miss any days or want to get ahead.

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CBN News


UPDATE: US Confirms Israeli Air Strikes on Iran Base Near 'Nuclear Energy Mountain'

Israel has reportedly struck targets in Iran in response to last weekend's unprecedented missile and drone attack against the Jewish state. The Iranian Tasnim news agency reported the assault took place in the southeastern part of the city of Isfahan, near its "nuclear energy mountain." Isfahan is the site of one of Iran's major nuclear sites that enriches uranium for the country's nuclear program. 

'Heartbroken': Christian Music Artist Mandisa Has Passed Away

The nationwide radio network K-LOVE broke the news early Friday morning that Christian music artist Mandisa has passed away. She was 47.

The Reminder that Grammy-Winning Christian Artist Mandisa Leaves Behind: 'Look at the Psalms'

Grammy-winning Christian recording artist Mandisa has passed away. The Christian radio network K-LOVE first reported the tragic news of the “Stronger” singer-songwriter’s death over the airwaves on Friday morning before sharing the news to social media.

Christian Politician Threatened With Jail for Bible Tweet, Now Dragged Before Finland's Supreme Court

Finland’s Supreme Court has announced it will take up a contentious case against a Christian politician who has faced a years-long legal battle for sharing her biblical views on sexuality.

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