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From Suddenly Single to Super Successful

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Ann Woodruff is president of a million-dollar marketing company. She’s also a single mom. When her marriage ended 11 years ago, Ann found herself with no job, a pile of bills, and three children to raise.

“When you become a single mom, literally your income goes down to 30 percent of what you were used to living at,” Ann reports. “I didn’t know where to go, where to turn, what to do, and it was really the crisis of my life.”

The crisis sent Ann back to Denver to be near family. Her first priority was finding a way to provide for her kids.

“I knew that the best way for me to make the money to support my family was to start a business of my own,” she says.

Ann set up a makeshift office in her basement and went to work.

“I literally transferred the problem of financial support for the family to God,” Ann explains. “I went to Him in prayer and I said, ‘This is not my problem. This is Your problem, and You are my provider.”

Ann made two firm commitments from the start. She would not work more than six hours per day in order to spend time with her children, and she committed to tithe on every penny she made from her business.

“I would do it before I paid anything else,” notes Ann, “and I would trust and I would pray that He would provide for us.”

And provide He did. Ann’s business took off immediately.

“The business from the very first day I opened it was profitable. It was never in the red, I always had income, and I always had enough money to pay every bill I had,” Ann says.

Today Ann is running a company that employs nine people, most of them single moms like her. And she has learned some important lessons about giving.

“You must give out of your lack,” she says. “And if you give out of your lack, He is going to meet you at the place of your need. As you give more, He gives more back to you. It is the law of reciprocity in action. It makes no sense to give when you don’t have the money to give, but in the kingdom as you give, He gives back to you to help you grow and to help you distribute to people in need to plant the seed of the Word of the gospel across the world. I give to CBN because that it their ministry.”

Ann and her children like to watch The 700 Club together.

Says Ann, “CBN through The 700 Club has partnered with me to raise my children. My 13-year-old will sit and listen to ‘Bring it On’ and listen to Grandpa Pat telling her what to do and why not to do this and why not to do that.”

Ann recently increased her giving and became a CBN Founder.

“As a result of writing that check, the company has been 20-percent increased in 2006,” Ann states.

In fact, her Denver-based business is on the verge of going nationwide!

“I would tell anybody who is considering, as you are sitting at home and as you don’t have the money and as you sit there with your finances and say there is absolutely no way that I can make this happen, you are not going to make it happen. Write the check today, ask God to bless it, and you will see the abundance as a result come into your life. It is definitely a walk of faith,” Ann concludes.

God wants to bless you too, just as He blessed Ann. One way you can give to God’s work is through CBN. Not only will you reach thousands each day with a message of truth and hope through The 700 Club, you will also help feed and clothe children around the world, bring medical aid to those suffering, and so much more. Please join with us today.