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The Creator is Greater

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Are there days when all you can think about is what has been lost, what has been taken from you, what has been stolen from you?

It is easy to focus on those things the enemy has tried to kill in your life rather than on God's blessings. Maybe it is prolonged or terminal illness, financial loss, a ruined relationship, the death of a dream, or even the death of a loved one.

But there is one profound truth I wish to share with you: Satan might try to destroy everything precious to you, but he cannot create anything.

What is so significant about this truth? Much more than first meets the eye.

First, creation always comes before destruction. Something must be called into being before it gets stolen, trampled, or destroyed.

This concept is lost on us because we tend to focus on the lack, on what is missing. When things aren't going our way, we can wrongly conclude that the proverbial glass is half empty, when, in fact, it is half full.

This is when we need to ask ourselves, Who has the greater power: the One who creates something out of nothing, or the one who steals something and tries to make it nothing? Think of it this way: Who do we typically value more: an artist or a burglar? An author or a plaguiarizer? Which document is most precious: the original or the copy? It is easy to see that in all three cases, the thing that holds the creative force bears the most power -- and the most honor. The same can be true about our God. The Creator truly is greater. That rhymes for a reason!

The Blessing came before the curse. Good came before evil. God came before Satan. God is the Creator. Satan is the created. God is Master. Satan is a slave. Ultimately, Satan will one day be judged and thrown into a lake of fire.

Now, if Satan is relegated to the level of one who can only steal, kill, and destroy , then there is nothing new that he can do.

says, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

God is the author of newness. God makes us new creatures. God brings new mercies to us every morning. God is doing a new work in us. God brings life -- from the macrocosmic Earth to the microcosmic changes in our everyday lives.

Satan is a copycat, and once we know his schemes, we have him tagged. He cannot throw a curveball in our paths. He is the author of old tricks. He plays on our fears and threatens to take away our blessings. Once we see how he works, the gig is up, the game is over, the veil is pulled away.

Let's look back to that first thought just one more time: Creation comes before destruction. This principle also reflects God's priorities for our lives. God's intent is always creation -- newness, life, wondrous change in all things and all areas of our lives. This is His plan. Make no mistake: His intent is never to harm or take away or keep us from blessing. In we read the familiar passage, "In the beginning God..." and we learn that God brought all things into being. Then after His creative efforts, God proclaimed, "It is good." That is how He sees us, as good and precious creatures. tells us that we are "wonderfully made."

So before you start focusing all your energies on what has been stolen from you, look first at what has been created in you. What has God done in you and for you? What can God do for you if you would but reach out in faith to Him? What is God doing behind the scenes as you wait, praying for His miraculous answers?

Oh, what marvelous works He has for you, saints! Only look for the blessings from the Blessing. Look to the Creator for what He has already created in you, and stand in that victory.


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About The Author


A Tennessee native, Laura first came to sunny Virginia Beach to attend graduate school at Regent University after a brief and exciting summer working in Yosemite National Park in California (whoo-hoo!). After graduating from Regent with a master's degree in communication (emphasis on film studies) and a master's degree in journalism (emphasis on photojournalism), Laura came to work for CBN as an Internet Producer. That is when she discovered she had a God-given talent for writing. Laura hopes to see the Body of Christ healed, whole, and actively pursuing a godly life full of wisdom, joy, and