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As a mother of 8, Diane knows the best way to ensure kids are safe and thriving is to keep them occupied and off the violence-ridden streets, and she shares how she continues to do this in her new book, “Kids Off the Block.”


Yolanda tried to escape physical abuse through drugs, but her addiction led to even greater physical and emotional maltreatment. With the mounting fear of a positive HIV test result, Yolanda turned to the only God with the ability to help her...


Linda spent most of her adult life in debt and recently lost her husband, but she decides to trust God by tithing to her church and giving to CBN. Not only is she more financially secure than she’s ever been, but Linda has found peace and comfort incomparable to all the money in the world. 

Today's Scripture
Leviticus 20:7
"So set yourselves apart to be holy, for I am the LORD your God."

Today's Devotion
Consecrated to Him

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CBN News

In the face of unrest and violent protests all across the country, a wave of revival is growing.  For example, recently in Portland, Oregon, thousands of Christians lifted their voices in prayer, praise and worship for an event called "Riots to Revival."  It was an effort to heal the brokenness resulting from the pandemic.

700 Club Interactive

After forty days in the hospital and forty days of prayer, God intervened in David's battle with COVID-19.

CBN Ministries

Lowanna in Texas expressed her frustration:  “Food is scarce in the stores, and we are running out of everything and just trying to maintain the bills and the online schooling with the kids. It’s hard, but we’re making it through. It’s very stressful and frustrating.” Discover what you are doing to help Lowanna and thousands of others to make it through this crisis. Watch now!

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