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Moses Was Shocked

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"... the bush was not consumed." ( )

The picture of a burning bush that would not be consumed is one of the most striking word pictures painted by the Spirit of God. This picture almost explodes off the pages of the Bible and graphically reveals what Almighty God can do if He desires — burn and yet not consume. 

The burning bush is a picture of God Himself and of all born-again believers as they have both the Spirit of God and His inspired Word living inside their earthen vessels. reveals:

“His word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back, And I could not.” 

Failing to Release What Is Inside 

God’s children are to speak to Him in prayer and to speak His Word to those in need. Failing to release what is living inside, they burn yet are not immediately consumed. However, not yielding to the Spirit of God can cause a body to ignite because of smoldering fleshly cinders. The Spirit and the flesh are always at war against one another.

“For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things you wish.” NKJV

Have you ever exploded in wrath or had temptation take control? If so, you are your own example as these are both lusts of the flesh. We will either release the Spirit’s fire or we will release our lustful nature’s sparks.

Holding a Fire in a Cardboard Box

Not testifying about Christ is like trying to hold fire in a cardboard box. The heat from the Spirit’s fire will quickly overcome what is holding it back and leave only the ashes of disappointment. God’s children must allow the Spirit’s holiness to have control over their fleshly tendencies, and the Word of God to master their lives.

“Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.” NKJV

God’s Children Must Share

I learned later in life that God’s children must consistently share the love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control of the Holy Spirit’s nature or fruit ( ) or they will experience lives that ooze out the foul odors of their flesh ( ). 

Help us to be a channel of your holiness, Father God. Help us to share the Fire of your holiness so that we will avoid breaking out into the lusts of our flesh. 


I have a fight going on inside of me and I’m not sure who is winning

Sometimes I’m burning and then I start sinning

I have doubts about myself and who I am when I lose the long view

Other times I follow what I’ve been told to do

Remember: if we have been born again, we have God’s divine Fire living in the very core of our personalities. If we fail to yield to and share His holy love with those around us, we will be in danger of bursting into fleshly deeds. Both the Holy Spirit and our fallen flesh have strong desires and are at war with each other; we choose who we will give control to. With the Spirit and the flesh, it’s an either-or situation.

What or Who we are controlled by will determine how we live and what people think of us.

Copyright © Bob Segress, Ph.D. 2017. Used with permission.

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About The Author


Robert L Segress, Ph.D., Th.M., served as a college professor (full-time and part-time) and psychotherapist for 25 years. He was the Director of Psychological Services of The Riverton General Hospital in Seattle, Washington and is an ordained minister who served as an interim pastor. He wrote The Biblical Approach to Psychology in 1974. After retiring, he became a prison minister at Shelton Prison in Washington State, in which capacity he has served for 15 years.

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