Obama Going 'Bite Size'


CBN News' Heather Sells is reporting with John Jessup in Chicago. Here's what she had to say on the latest there:

Obama's campaign manager David Plouffe just briefed reporters and the key word is "daunting." Plouffe emphasized that the campaign has always viewed Super Tuesday as daunting and declared that coming close tonight would be victory for the campaign.

Plouffe downplayed Obama's chances today, explaining that Sen. Clinton has deep political infrastructure in many states. But Plouffe did say that Obama's made significant gains in the last week with the Kennedy endorsement and Edwards dropping out.  And he pointed reporters to upcoming contests, where the campaign looks forward to taking states in smaller "bite-sizes" and having more time to campaign.

Bottom-line: Both campaigns are preparing for a "long, drawn-out affair" which could end as late as the last primary on June 3.

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