Huckabee: McCain's Gadfly


Take a look at the exit polling information in this GOP race in Virginia:

Conservatives: Huckabee 51, McCain 35

Talk radio listeners: Huckabee 48, McCain 38

Independents: McCain 38, Huckabee 35, Paul 20

Evangelicals: Huckabee 61, McCain 28

Folks, it seems (at least with the early numbers) that Evangelicals have come out in force for Huckabee. That Evangelical differential is larger than what it was in South Carolina. That's good news for Huckabee. Conservatives are going for Huckabee in big numbers too. It seems like he is peeling off quite a few of those Romney supporters. And look at Indepedents. They are going just barely for McCain. It's early but the trends look good for Huckabee.

Read more on the exit polls here.

If he wins Virginia, we'll need to talk. How about some coffee?

One more thing…if Huckabee wins, this will be the reaction inside Huckabee headquarters tonight.


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