Brody File Exclusive: Ted Cruz Invokes "Messiah Complex" When Discussing Donald Trump


In an exclusive interview with The Brody File, Ted Cruz says we don’t need another President of the United States with a, “Messiah Complex,” a clear reference to Donald Trump. “This election is not about any one person, any one individual who believes he or she will make America great. You know what, for seven years we’ve had a president in the white house who has had a Messiah complex.” Our interview with Cruz took place Monday night in Des Moines Iowa. The Brody File crew was allowed exclusive access inside Cruz’s private meeting with Iowa pastors in both Cedar Rapids and Des Moines. This interview was conducted between events.

Both Trump and Cruz want to win Iowa but for Cruz it’s more imperative based on the large evangelical voting constituency. His campaign has more than a solid ground game, employing a robust micro-targeting strategy as well as having pastors all over the state organized on caucus night to get their congregants out to vote. He’ll need every single one of them to pull it out because Trump is a force in American politics.


Ted Cruz: “This election is not about any one person, any one individual who believes he or she will make America great. You know what, for seven years we’ve had a president in the white house who has had a Messiah complex.”

David Brody: “So you’re referring to Donald Trump there? That comparison.
Ted Cruz: “What I’m saying is its not about Barack Obama, its not about Donald Trump, its not about me. It is about the American people, its about the future of this country and the only way to make America great again is for, ‘We the People’ to rise up and bring this country back. What our campaign is focused on is trying to energize and rise up the grassroots. That’s where sovereignty resides in this country”

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