Displaying 9441 - 9456 of 9707

Imprisoned for a murder he didn't commit, Adam not only found God behind bars, but trusted him. Plus, Cleveland Indians prospect Ben Carlson was...

Imprisoned for a murder he didn't commit, Adam not only found God behind bars, but trusted him for protection and vindication.

Fatima has to get up early every day to fill her family’s water jug before school. In El Salvador's dry season the “trickle” from the faucet goes...

When Jesus talked about storing treasures in Heaven what did he mean and how do we store them for heaven? Why should we spend so much effort trying...

Nelson was a cocaine dealer and a high priest in Santeria until he went to prison and met a serial killer who introduced him to Jesus. Plus, Timmy's...

What is the difference between a Christian and a Messianic believer? Pat, what is the truth about being born again? Is it the same as being 'born of...

A former Muslim is attacked with acid to his face because he became a Christian. Plus, prayer yields miraculous results to the life threatening...

Financial expert Kimberly Foss shares ideas for planning ahead during shaky economic times.

Mulinde is a former Muslim who was attacked by radical Islamists with acid to his face because he became a Christian.

Prayer yields miraculous results to the life threatening medical conditions affecting Carol's baby, Sandra.

Should we, as parents, back out and let God handle our children instead of giving them what they need? How do I choose between God and my father?...

Financial expert Kimberly Foss shares ideas for planning ahead during shaky economic times. Plus, Caryn's respiratory infection is immediately healed...

Caryn's respiratory infection is immediately healed after a prayer onThe 700 Club.

CBN's Orphan's Promise program, "Keeping Families Together, " is helping to strengthen families in Thailand.

What should a believer do when a spirit of unbelief attacks, saying that the Bible is not real? How did the secular society and atheism gain...

International Christian music star Carman visits The 700 Club. Plus, for 14 years Rod numbed the pain of life with drugs and alcohol until he reached...


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