Displaying 113 - 128 of 476

When marriage to Jeff wasn't perfect, Deb turned to affairs to find acceptance. Then an affair became public, and Jeff and Deb's marriage hung in the...

Scott has been married to his Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame wife Nedra for over 50 years and together they’ve faced everything from prejudice to cancer...

After becoming “a prime candidate for an affair”, Melissa Lowder finally sought help to deal with her childhood abuse, and learns to fall in love...

Steve and Melissa were told only 1% of couples make it through separate drug addiction. See how the grace of God got them through it.

Jalana felt abandoned when she discovered her husband's affair. See how she found the strength to forgive and how their marriage came back together.

Josh knew he had to leave his girlfriend. Ashley knew God had someone better for her. They obeyed, and then God brought them together.

Jeremy and Dawn's routine marriage left Dawn searching for attention in a co-worker. Though short-lived, Dawn had to confess.

Alcohol, control, and anger nearly destroy a marriage until time apart and a deadly accident inspire an incredible change.

When Ben returned from deployment, he was a different man. Heidi tried to be understanding as he struggled, but it would take years before they...

Four years into their marriage, Chris turned his back on God and his marriage to Stephanie. After their divorce, Stephanie continued to pray for him...

Author Shauna Shanks shares how she fought for her marriage after her husband said he didn't love her and revealed his affair.

Emily called herself a Christian but lead a life of homosexuality, drug use, lying, and rebellion. One night, she googled some Bible verses and...

Beloved singer-songwriter Jessi Colter opens up about standing by her husband, Wayland Jennings, and her journey back to her Christian roots.

Author Gary Thomas shares the one word that can breathe new life into your marriage.

Chris and Colleen were high school sweethearts, but after 20 years, their storybook marriage turned into a nightmare. Affairs drove a wedge between...

Author and speaker Vicki Rose discusses how her marriage crumbled and why she chose to stay despite having every reason to walk out.


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