The Purpose of Christmas
It's interesting that Jesus made a significant statement about His birth just before His death. During Jesus' trial, Pilate asked about His identity. Jesus replied, "For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth" (
b, NASB).Jesus didn't say He was born to preach or heal, but that His fundamental purpose was to bear witness to the truth.
Pilate then asked, "What is truth?" But he was in too much of a hurry to wait for the answer. How many of us are like that today? Sometimes it takes a tragedy, such as a death in the family or the recent terrorist attacks, before people take time to measure their lives against what is genuinely meaningful and true.
When a carpenter says, "I'm going to true up a piece of wood," he lines up a board to conform with the standard of a plumb line. Opinions don't count -- only the truth.
Down through the ages, Jesus declares, "I am the way and the truth and the life. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (
a; ).Jesus came into the world bearing a message of paramount importance: God is our creator, sustainer, and redeemer; to see the Father, we must look at His Son.
The reason Jesus was born is that we might know God! This is why we celebrate Christmas with such joy year after year. Through Jesus called "Emmanuel," which means God with us, God is indeed with us in youth and old age, in good times and bad, in tragedy and triumph.
But in bringing us this wonderful message, Jesus goes a step further -- and entrusts us with the tremendous responsibility of sharing God's Word with others. "You will be my witnesses to the ends of the earth" (
b). Millions of lost souls desperately need the life-giving message of the Gospel!