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Mike Palombi's biggest regret in life is that there are people who are worse off for knowing him. The girlfriend who wound up at gunpoint by the Essex County Organized Crime Strike Force because of him is at the top of that particular list. But back in his twenties, being a tough guy was pretty much all he knew about being a man. How's It Feel, Tough Guy?: From Prisoner of Pride to Prisoner of Hope is Mike's story of sin and redemption. In his memoir, Mike shows how he found heaven in hell, taking Jesus Christ as his Savior while in prison, and then being drawn away subtly by the cares of the world. At a Christmas Eve church service -- under the influence -- Mike received Christ back into his heart for good. His relationship with God inspired him to address a lifetime of injury and transform how he viewed himself as a man. Meanwhile, he has given back by working with at-risk teenagers in schools and through the Lifer's program at East Jersey State Prison. Finally, he learned what it really means to be a good husband, a good father, and a good man. NOW, there are people who are truly better off for knowing him.

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