Thousands Attend Largest UK Evangelism Event Since Billy Graham
The UK's largest evangelism event, since Billy Graham's crusade decades ago, reached into the heart of Britain over the weekend as thousands responded to the Gospel message, putting their faith in Jesus Christ.
"Literally, thousands of people have just come forward to give their lives to Jesus," said Peter Wooding, London Bureau Chief of the Global News Alliance.
The event should encourage Christians across the United Kingdom to pick up the banner of evangelism and begin sharing the Gospel, one national prayer leader said.
"I believe that God has already released a grace over the United Kingdom and it's going to be very easy to get saved in Britain and this is just a foretaste," Jonathan Oloyede told Wooding.
Watch Peter Wooding's interview with Oloyede below.
Evangelist J. John has traveled the world telling others about Christ, and he brought the Gospel to the U.K. for a one-day event called JustOne.
Watch evangelist J. John preach at the JustOne event in London.
Attendees were encouraged to bring "just one" person to the event, in hopes of doubling the impact.
This simple invitation strategy has proven to be successful before, so event organizers had planned for 20,000 people to pack out Emirates Stadium.