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Middle East Expert: Trump 'Deserves Huge Credit' for Defeat of ISIS

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Click the player above to watch Erick Stackelbeck's interview on Faith Nation.

WASHINGTON – Appearing on CBN News' live weekly political talk show, Faith Nation, Erick Stackelbeck, host of TBN's The Watchman, credited President Trump and his administration for the dramatic decline of ISIS.

"He deserves huge credit," Stackelbeck said. "This should be leading every newscast in America right now."

At one point, the terrorist group controlled an area in the Middle East, mostly in Iraq and Syria, roughly the size of Great Britain. Now, it only controls about five percent of that area.

"The vast majority of these major gains against ISIS has happened since President Trump took office," Stackelbeck explained.

With ISIS on the run in the Middle East, however, he said there could be an increased number of attacks in the West.

"They're taking major lumps in the Middle East," Stackelbeck noted. "They have to reinsure their followers around the world that, 'Yes, we're still strong.'"

Faith Nation can be seen LIVE Wednesdays at 12:30 pm Eastern on Facebook.

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