Jewish Leader Urges Trump to Take Action against Rising Anti-Semitism
A top Jewish-American leader is urging President Donald Trump to speak out against anti-Semitism after a surge in harassment of Jews in the U.S.
Malcolm Hoenlein is executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. Speaking in Jerusalem Sunday, he said he hopes what Trump said about "addressing hate and racism of all kinds in American society" will be translated into clear action.
American Jews have experienced a sharp rise in anti-Semitism over the course of the presidential campaign and this year as well.
Twenty-six Jewish Community Centers across the U.S. have been forced to evacuate after receiving multiple bomb threats. Those threats are now the subject of an FBI and Justice Department investigation.
Jewish leaders are taking the threats seriously in light of the terrorist attacks that have taken place in the U.S. and abroad.
In 2015, former KKK member Frazier Glenn Miller, Jr. was convicted of murdering three people outside of a JCC in Kansas.
Beyond providing recreation activities for people of all religious backgrounds, the JCC is also home to preschool and daycare programs.