WASHINGTON – It's a new chapter inside the White House as retired four-star Gen. John Kelly becomes President Trump's new chief of staff.
Of course, this new chapter comes with a host of challenges, beginning with growing tensions overseas.
Last week, Congress passed new sanctions on Russia and the White House says Trump will sign them.
Vladimir Putin retaliated over the weekend, announcing the expulsion of 755 U.S. diplomats, the largest forced reduction for the United States in Moscow in more than 100 years.
That comes amid growing tension with North Korea.
Kim Jong-Un launched his second intercontinental ballistic missile this month, saying his arsenal has the power to strike the U.S. mainland.
"They've been barking wolf about this while the wolf is at the door," Joseph Cirincione, president of Ploughshares Fund, told ABC News Sunday. "This is a very real threat to the United States."
The U.S. responded with a show of force, flying warplanes over the Korean Peninsula.
Trump is pointing the finger at China.
"…they do NOTHING for us with North Korea, just talk. We will no longer allow this to continue," he tweeted Saturday.
Trump wants China, which has more direct influence on the regime than any other country, to apply more diplomatic pressure.
Meanwhile at the White House, Kelly is taking over an administration struggling with competing factions, disputes and leaks.
Kelly, who has a reputation for discipline, is tasked with bringing order to the West Wing.
There's also another push on health care from the president as he encourages the Senate to come up with a plan, despite its failures to pass an Obamacare repeal bill last week.
"You can't promise folks you're going to do something for seven years and then not do it," Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney told ABC News.
Trump's presidency is only six months old, but he already faces a huge number of challenges, including the ongoing Russian probe. Now, more than ever, he needs Kelly and the rest of his team to help him succeed.
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About The Author
Jenna Browder co-hosts Faith Nation and is a network correspondent for CBN News. She has interviewed many prominent national figures from both sides of the political aisle, including presidents, cabinet secretaries, lawmakers, and other high-ranking officials. Jenna grew up in the small mountain town of Gunnison, Colorado and graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder, where she studied journalism. Her first TV jobs were at CBS affiliates in Cheyenne, Wyoming and Monroe, Louisiana where she anchored the nightly news. She came to Washington, D.C. in 2016. Getting to cover that year's