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4 Big Reasons the Media's Comey Freak-Out Exposes Rampant Bias

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Sure, it's a big story. No doubt, there are a lot of questions. But c'mon news media! Enough already with your rabid anti-Trump agenda.

It's been virulent since day one, but the firing of FBI Director James Comey has taken the media's frenzied bias over a cliff.

We all know there's an investigation going on right now at the FBI into Russia's possible election meddling, but the media's coverage on this has been based on one assumption all along – that Trump and his team are guilty before being proven innocent.

I mean, how else could their chosen candidate, Hillary, have lost to this guy?

So, I get it. The media is angry because they think Trump's firing of Comey means they won't get their desired result of some sort of proof to back up their agenda.

Yes, we're all concerned about Russian meddling in the U.S. election. We simply can't have our adversaries eroding public confidence in our electoral system or our institutions.

But I think the mainstream media (MSM) is just as big of a problem when it comes to eroding the public trust.

Last fall, a Gallup poll showed this: "Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low."

It's been on a steady decrease since 55 percent trusted the MSM in 1999. Now just 32 percent of Americans trust them.

And their coverage of the Comey firing provides more proof of why people have turned to alternative media for the truth.

Here are 4 reasons why I think the MSM's Comey coverage has been biased:

1. The man now in a position to investigate Trump and Russia – Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe – is a Democrat. And when he worked on the Clinton email investigation at the FBI, McCabe's wife had just received half a million dollars from Hillary Clinton's allies at the DNC for her state Senate campaign in Virginia.

That means Trump just removed a potential neutral arbiter in Comey and replaced him with someone who may have more of an interest in targeting Trump.

Case in point: McCabe undermined some of Trump's claims in his congressional testimony this week.
2. Liberals wanted Comey gone until he was gone. Well, some even wanted him gone after he was gone, now they've all changed their tune.

Stephen Colbert's liberal-leaning audience celebrated the announcement when it was made on his show. Their applause was thunderous until Colbert told them this was bad news, because Comey was investigating Trump and Russia. Then they booed.

Colbert is not the MSM, but his audience reaction is a perfect depiction of the Left's before-and-after response to Trump and Comey.

If Hillary Clinton had fired him, it would have been a blip on the media radar. They hated the guy, believing he destroyed her chances of winning the White House. But now that Trump has canned Comey, they insinuate there's a cover-up.
3. The MSM keeps pointing to different variations in the accounts about how Comey was fired.

Breaking News: President Trump doesn't always get his story right. It's not a great quality for a leader. But is it really a shock to anyone at this stage in the game that his communication comes off the cuff?
Remember, this is the same media that challenged the Obama admin's perfectly cohesive narrative after the Benghazi attack. Oh, wait, that didn't happen.

If only the Trump administration was as perfect about concocting some team talking points and blamed it all on protests against an anti-Muslim video, then would the media have reported the Comey story like a news story instead of some massive scandal? Not likely.

Oh, and the MSM still doesn't care that President Obama and Secretary Clinton could have saved American lives in Benghazi, but to quote Ms. Clinton, "What difference, at this point, does it make?"

But I digress.

4. Elections HAVE CONSEQUENCES! The winner gets to pick the members of their team, NOT the MSM.

Comey himself wrote a farewell letter to staff saying that he had long believed that a president can fire an FBI director for any reason and that he would not spend time dwelling on the decision.

Bottom line: Comey's firing isn't fake news, but a lot of the media frenzy about it is.

If you need further proof, watch this no-holds-barred interview with Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice.

James Comey's Firing Fishy or Long Overdue? Jay Sekulow Breaks It Down

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Benjamin Gill oversees all web content as the Multimedia Manager for He has been on staff with CBN News as an internet and broadcast producer since 2000. You can follow him on Twitter @BenGillCBN. Here are some of his commentaries and articles: Pursuing Truth in a World of Fake News: Reflections of a Christian Journalist After 20 Years with CBN News The Breaking Point: Pandemic Pain, Persistent Prayer, and God's Bigger Picture Plagues, the End Times, and Trusting in God's Protection: 'You Will Hear Us and Rescue Us' 12 Powerful Bible Verses to Build Your Faith and Fight Fear