Saeed Abedini Asks Followers to Pray for His Marriage
Saeed Abedeini broke his four-year long Facebook silence Sunday, asking followers to pray for his marriage.
His post was the first since being released from an Iranian prison in January after serving four years of an eight-year sentence for refusing to renounce Christ.
Abedini thanked his Facebook followers for supporting him with prayer throughout his imprisonment.
"This is my first post on Facebook after four long years of imprisonment," he wrote. "I see there is a LOVE story between us as I went through hardship of imprisonment by you showing your support with sending hundreds & thousands of letters of encouragement and LOVE to the prison."
He said the worldwide outcry for his release during his Iranian imprisonment created a stir "that even Muslims in Iran talked about."
Abedini also asked for prayer for himself and his wife Naghmeh as they face ongoing marriage troubles
"I am grateful for marriage counselors who have been helping me but my wife's relationship with me is not good at this point, so we need prayer that she joins this counseling process with us," he wrote.
Naghmeh Abedini filed for legal separation in late January, alleging her husband was abusive and struggled with a pornography addiction.
The couple continue to ask Christians around the world to pray for healing in their marriage