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Politicians Wake Up to Louisiana Disaster, Churches Have Already Been on the Scene


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The governor of Louisiana is praising Donald Trump for his recent visit to the state's flood zone.

He told CNN Trump's attention was "helpful" because it shined a spotlight on the dire situation in the state.

President Obama has yet to visit the state.

Some Louisianans and others, including The Advocate newspaper in Baton Rouge, called on Obama to break from vacation to console flood victims.

But Obama stuck with his plan for two weeks of sunshine and 10 rounds of golf at Martha's Vineyard. He is preparing to visit Baton Rouge Tuesday.  

While politicians are finally getting involved, churches and ministries have been on the frontlines of the relief effort from the beginning.

One rural church outside Walker, Louisiana temporarily doubled in size after the floods.

The one-hundred member South Walker Baptist Church sheltered 96 victims. With floodwaters receding, they're still providing food and serving as a dorm for victims and volunteers.

In Shreveport, a church gave shelter to 35 juvenile offenders after their group home was flooded.

The group home director says church members did much more, by showing the young people that someone does care about them.

And Operation Blessing is still on the scene in Louisiana, working to help victims of the massive disaster.

OB has served more than 3,500 hot meals, and delivered two truckloads of food to Bethany Church and Christian Life Fellowship in Baton Rouge.

Operation Blessing volunteers are also helping victims clean out their homes.

"I still haven't cried yet, it hasn't hit me that this is mine," said Rachel Hunt of Denham Springs, standing in front of her gutted home.  

After receiving help from Operation Blessing, Hunt was filled with gratitude.

"I can't say thank you enough to them. My husband mentioned the other day he said the next time there's a disaster we have to join them, we have to do what we can to give back, because we can't pay this back. It's just incredible what's been done for us," she said.

Operation Blessing has been rallying volunteers at the Healing Place Church in Denham Springs. You can find out how to help by visiting

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